Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shining Bird's Eyes Shawl

Why did I wait so long?  This shawl was a quick knit once I finally cast on.  The pattern is a bit tricky at first but after a few repeats is it quite obvious to see mistakes and fix them easily.  I only had to tink back once...granted it was in the last repeat and it was a row and a half.  That is what I deserved for my drinking (only one weak gin & tonic) and knitting.

The linen blocked beautifully!

Here are some pictures and a public link to the Ravelry page if you are interested in more details.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Leave it to Luther

The Lutheran Insulter

We leave you to your own devices, for nothing properly suits you except hypocrisy, flattery, and lies.
(From Against Latomus, pg. 143 of Luther's Works, Vol. 32)

This page also has a link for the Shakespearean Insulter.

Shakespeare. . . another person who had a way with words.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Here's to New Beginnings

Primordia cuncta pavida sunt

This was the Latin phrase that came up on my blog this morning.

In English: All beginnings are frightening.

It comes from a longer line that translates into English as: "All beginnings are frightening, and fear is not dislodged by any other means except when the novelty is removed by unavoidable tasks."

This is the perfect quote as I switch where I'm working in a couple weeks.

The link above relates an Aesop Fable that supposedly demonstrates this idea and ends with:

"Every thing that is unexpected powerfully shakes the mind, but when it is seen again and again it usually causes little disturbance."

Reminds me of the saying: A lie told over and over again becomes the truth. I'll spare you that rant.

Back to the fable. . .

I was waiting for the lion to eat the fox. The fox was getting too bold for its own good. So I guess for me, the fable wasn't relating to the other Latin phrase quite the same. I saw the fable as "getting used to something that is dangerous isn't a good idea". Not that it was rendered that way in the end. I perhaps took it to that level all on my own being the timid creature that I am. Or I've read too much C.S. Lewis.

I had other thoughts on this but unfortunately was distracted by a cake complication. But it is solved. My sister to the rescue.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cast Your Sins onto Jesus

From today's writing portion of Pray Now app (Treasury of Daily Prayer):

After man has thus become aware of his sin and is terrified in his heart, he must watch that sin does not remain in his conscience, for this would lead to sheer despair. Just as [our knowledge of] sin flowed from Christ and was acknowledged by us, so we must pour this sin back on him and free our conscience of it. Therefore beware, lest you do as those perverse people who torture their hearts with their sins and strive to do the impossible, mainly, get rid of their sins by running from one good work or penance to another, or by working their way out of this by means of indulgences. . . .

You cast your sins from yourself and onto Christ when you firmly believe that his wounds and sufferings are your sins, to be borne and paid for by him, as we read in Isaiah 53:6, "The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." St. Peter says, "in his body has he borne our sins on the wood of the cross" [1 Peter 2:24]. St. Paul says, "God has made him a sinner for us, so that through him we would be made just" [2 Cor. 5:21]. You must stake everything on these and similar verses. The more your conscience torments you, the more tenaciously must you cling to them. If you do not do that, but presume to still your conscience with your contrition and penance, you will never obtain peace of mind, but will have to despair in the end. If we allow sin to remain in our conscience and try to deal with it there, or if we look at sin in our heart, it will be much too strong for us and will live forever. But if we behold it resting on Christ and [see it] overcome by his resurrection, and then boldly believe this, even it is dead and nullified. Sin cannot remain on Christ, since it is swallowed up by his resurrection. Now you see no wounds, no pain in him, and no sign of sin. Thus St. Paul declares that "Christ died for our sin and rose for our justification" [Rom. 4:25]

-- Martin Luther

Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Year at APT

This past September we saw "The Tempest" and "The Taming of the Shrew". Not our *most* favorite year but we enjoyed it nonetheless. We are hoping for a summertime evening performance next year. We can't wait to see what the plays will be.

Also regarding Shakespeare . . .
Susan shared a link to a wonderful book entitled: The Actor's (and Intelligent Reader's) Guide to the Language of Shakespeare, by Richard DiPrima

It's 850 pages long and at the time I contacted them it was $85. Really not a bad deal but I haven't bought it yet. There are a few sample pages shown at the site. Looks very interesting! Definitely on my wish list.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

All's Well That Ends Well

"The Lord shall be praised, that I have been delivered from evil, God dwells here. I did not think that all would end so well."

Okay, so this isn't really a line from Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well. But since we just saw that production at APT yesterday it really was a surprise to see that quote in today's reading from Martin Luther.

Here's the complete entry:
We know that tribulation worketh patience, and patience, experience, and experience, hope. Romans 5:3-4

When God wants to strengthen a man's faith He first weakens it by feigning to break faith with him. He thrusts him into many tribulations and makes him so weary that he is driven to despair, and yet He gives him strength to be still and persevere. Such quietness is patience and patience produces experience, so that when God returns to him and let His sun rise and shine again, and when the storm is over he opens his eyes in amazement and says: "The Lord shall be praised, that I have been delivered from evil. God dwells here. I did not think that all would end so well".

Within a day or two, within a week or a year, or even within the next hour, sin brings another cross to us: the loss of honour or possessions, bodily injury or some mishap which brings such trouble. Then it all begins again and the storm breaks out once more. But now we glory in our afflictions because we remember that on the former occasion God was gracious to us, and we know that it is His good will to chastise us, that we may have reason to run to Him and to cry, 'He who has helped me so often will help me now'. And that self same longing in your heart (which makes you cry, Oh that I were free! Oh that God would come! Oh that I might receive help!) is hope, which putteth not to shame, for God must help such a person.

In this way God hides life under death, heaven under hell, wisdom under folly, and grace under sin.

Sermons from the year 1527
Day by Day We Magnify Thee. Luther. p. 343.

I also received the latest issue of Good News in the mail this week. The topic? Trials and Afflictions. Sub-titled: How God Blesses You Through Your Trials and Afflictions.

Side note: Good News IS NOT the magazine you find when you google "Good News". The magazine I'm referring to does not have a webpage (that I'm aware of anyway). But you can contact them at 1-800-778-1132. Issues, Etc. also has some links to samples of what is in their magazine here. Look for the ones that say "from Good News magazine ". If you don't want to sift through the list I'll give some direct links here and here and here and here. That's just some of them.

Side note of the side note: Issues Etc. is a great resource also. You can check out past shows here. The first week of July has an interesting segment on Glenn Beck. And some segments from Higher Things that was going on in Nashville that week...that's where we were at the time. Summer was very short and very busy.

Update: There's another Issues Etc episode on Sept 3rd after the "Restoring Honor" rally.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Diamond Circle Lace Cloth

After a short hiatus, I have added another lacy square cloth pattern to my collection.

I called this one Diamond Circle Lace Cloth. (Ravelry pattern link)

It is knit in the round with size 2 double point needles and fingering weight cotton. Finished size: ~12" sq.

For more specific details click here.

Click on the link on the right hand side bar to purchase this pattern for $1.

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